The Ultimate Guide to TikTok Marketing

How can TikTok help my brand? Can I get enough promotion through TikTok marketing? These are some of the many questions marketers ask before going into TikTok marketing. But, here is what you need to know in short: TikTok marketing can be a game-changer for your brand. All you need here is proper TikTok marketing tips. 

Any marketer who has been peeking on TikTok would know that TikTok had more than 850 million downloads in 2020. Moreover, it has more than 1 billion active users monthly, making it one of the most popular social media platforms on the internet. We hope by now you would have understood the immense possibility of marketing on TikTok. 

So, we have something for you. Here’s the ultimate guide to TikTok marketing that we have made based on the latest trends. But before that, let’s know a little bit more about the platform, shall we? 

What is TikTok?

Let’s start by knowing what TikTok is. For one thing, we all know or have seen at least someone in our circle being immensely active on the platform. So, even if you have never used the app, you still got an idea of what TikTok is all about. In short, Tiktok is a short video platform- an anti-thesis of YouTube. 

Why? Because on YouTube, you post long descriptive videos. People go there with the mind of seeing something long. But on TikTok, the length of the videos being posted has a limit of a maximum of 3 minutes. Yes, it is quite like those Instagram reels. But then, what’s the difference in Tiktok from other platforms? 

You have already know how TikTok is different from YouTube. Now, on Instagram, you can post pictures too. But on Tiktok, you can only create and post short videos. Thus, this platform is entirely different from other social media platforms. 

These short-length videos on TikTok are creative, unique, and fun. So, people love to watch these short videos, making them viral. And this is what makes the platform so popular. Now, let’s move ahead and know a little bit about how it started. 

How Did It Start?

Tiktok didn’t come out of the blue all of a sudden. The 7th most popular app has a history, for that matter. TikTok was launched in 2016 by its parent company Byte Dance. However, TikTok was not the name it was called before. Byte Dance launched its platform under the name of Douyin- a similar Chinese platform. 

You even have heard the name, right? Yes, was a similar app to TikTok, which gained huge popularity. But it was soon acquired by ByteDance and was merged into TikTok in 2017. When it happened, had around 200 million users, making it another most popular platform on the web. 

So, you would still find popular TikTokers who have been on the platform since the days. They are the oldest people on the platform who have managed to sustain their popularity, bringing in new content on the platform. 

Even today, TikTok is called Douyin in China. Despite several efforts of Byte Dance to show these two platforms as the same, these two still remain different entities. TikTok is only the international version of Douyin.  Today, TikTok has more than 850 million active users, making it the most popular short-video platform on the web. 

How Does TikTok’s Algorithm Work?

So, now comes the question how does TikTok work? With TikTok, there has always been a sense of secrecy. Unlike Instagram who discusses its algorithm work pattern openly, TikTok prefers to keep it secret. So, there has been no definite answer confirmed by the company for this. But still, by closely observing the pattern, one can at least guess. 

When it comes to TikTok marketing, everyone should be focused on the FYP or the For You Page. And this is where the secrecy remains. After closely interacting with the app, here are some points that we have come up with.

First of all, TikTok’s algorithm values a lot of video engagement. The engagement of a certain video determines whether or not it should rank. By engagements, we mean likes, comments, shares or replays, etc. As the engagement increases, your video gets a chance to be pushed forward. 

However, the popularity or the reach of your video might also vary depending on your Geo-location. It happens because when you post a video on the platform, it shows it to the users with the same geo-location first. So, there is a lot depending on how those people react or engage in your videos. 

But still, TikTok also gives great importance to the trending hashtags. Moreover, you can search videos depending on specific hashtags too. Those videos having the trending hashtags get pulled on the relevance discovery page. For anyone willing to rank on the FYP needs to get a good hand on these hashtags. 

So, these are how TikTok’s algorithm works. Using the proper TikTok marketing method, you can get a fair chance to attract enough viewers to the platform. Thus, TikTok gives marketers and brands immense opportunities to stand out boost their sales through social media. 

Why Should You Go For TikTok Marketing?

So, now the question is, why should you go for TikTok marketing? Previously, we have discussed almost everything about TikTok and how it works. And it pretty much tells us why TikTok is one of the most popular platforms on the web. So, now let’s discuss how this media platform can be effective for brands. 

  1. Immense Popularity 

Marketers should always look for crowds. Remember those old-school leaflet distributions? People always targeted a crowded place. Although the methods have upgraded, the way remains the same. So, the very first reason here is that TikTok is a widely popular platform having more than 2 billion users worldwide. 

It pretty much tells why you should be targeting TikTok users. Tiktok provides you with a huge customer base. So, if you can target properly, you can get a lot out of it. Furthermore, people watch these videos for entertainment purposes. But, these videos also play a huge part in their decision-making. 

For example, if you are a beauty brand, you can make before-after content that may inspire someone to try your products. Thus, TikTok can not only provide a base for advertisement but also gain trust. 

  1. Gen Z

TikTok is incredibly popular among Gen Z, making the platform even more lucrative for marketers. Gen Z is the new future, and everything on the web revolves around them. So, you cannot ever deny their participation in client marketing. Moreover, if you sell products exclusive to this generation, you have to be comfortable with their ways. 

Gen Z people are more open to buy something if they really like it. TikTok gives you the opportunity to pitch. But, you have to be really creative in your approaches. That is where TikTok is unique and more likable for marketers. It is easy to use while giving you an immense opportunity to get yourself spotted. 

  1. TikTok Ads

Ads are one of the best ways to target a greater audience. If you want paid marketing on the platform, you can use it. TikTok takes great care of its ad policies. Unlike YouTube, TikTok’s algorithm targets people very efficiently. Plus, there are a lot of brands currently using TikTok ads for their promotion. 

How Can Brands Use TikTok for Their Marketing?

So, in what ways can you use TikTok for your brand? Brands can use TikTok in three different ways. Below we have discussed these methods in detail for you to understand properly. 

  1. Creating a TikTok Account

The most common way for the brands to get into TikTok marketing is by creating an account on the platform. One can easily create an account on TikTok by filling in certain details. The only difference between a personal account and a brand account would be that the latter would have the logo as the profile picture. 

So, if you want to get into TikTok marketing by making creative videos related to your brand, starting with an account is the best idea. For example, beauty-related brands can make beauty or makeup-related videos. On the other hand, sports brands can feature unique sports tips and tricks via TikTok. Thus, you will get more exposure for your TikTok videos

  1. Influencer Marketing

Influencer marketing is another efficient way to get your brand on TikTok. It is also the future of modern marketing. So, who are these influencers? Influencers are the people on some social media site who has huge followers. Social sites like Instagram, TikTok, YouTube mostly have these influencers making regular content on various niches. 

Modern brands are focusing more on influencer marketing since most people follow these influencers on these sites. Unlike superstars or movie actors, influencers are some people with whom others can relate. In influencer marketing, you ask them to promote your products through their videos. 

Since people can relate to them, they will be more prone to buy your products or recognize and trust your brand. So, if you see it as a good deal, you can start looking for influencers matching your brand’s niche. 

  1. Advertisements

As we have mentioned earlier, TikTok ads are another reason you should get into TikTok marketing. However, there is no denying that these are very much the early days for TikTok. And so, Tiktok ads are not as famous as YouTube. But, it is also a fact that TikTok is rapidly growing.

And taking that under consideration, it is fair to say that it is high time that someone should start investing in TikTok ads.TikTok ads are performing well these days. Plus, the fact that TikTok has been taking care of its algorithm makes this another USP. Lots of brands around the globe now prefer TikTok ads.

How to Do TikTok Marketing Properly

Now that you know almost everything about TikTok and why it is important for brands, let’s get some deep. Here we have made a list of tips to follow for TikTok marketing. Make sure you read this guide properly to understand everything. 

  1. Create An Account

The easiest TikTok marketing tip is that you start your journey by creating an account. Creating an account on TikTok is easier than anything. You download the app from the Playstore and then fill in certain details. Voila! You have your account ready. But, there are a few things you need to modify. 

Unlike personal TikTok accounts, yours is a professional one. So, you need to make it look that way. The best way is to set the DP first. Put your company’s logo in here. Next, write the most attractive bio describing your brand. Make sure that the DP and the bio match with your other social media accounts. It helps people find you more easily. 

  1. Create Niche-Based Videos

When you are a brand, you must have something specific on your plate. For example, beauty brands will specifically create content on beauty-related topics. So, finding the niche is very important before you start posting videos. So, what is your brand about? 

Once you know what type of content you will be posting, you can start making a video using TikTok’s video maker tool. Down in the middle, you will find a plus sign. As you click on it, the video tool will open. Here you can shoot a video or upload multiple shots for a maximum length of 60 seconds. 

Now, you can add special effects to the videos and re-edit the sound before posting it on the platform. 

  1. Research The Topics

Since you are a brand offering your product to people, you need to have unique ideas about your videos. To start with, think about the basics of how your products would help someone. For example, if you have beauty-related medical products, you can show how your products help them maintain their beauty. 

The best way to find content ideas is using SEO tools like Ubbersugest or Google’s one research tool. These tools give you a perfect idea of what topic may interest your audience most. Remember, unless your audience can relate to the purpose, they won’t be making any purchase. So, make sure you pick the pain points and show how your products solve those. 

  1. Use Hashtags Seriously

If you want to become famous on TikTok, you will have to know how to use hashtags properly on TikTok. Hashtags play a vital SEO role in Tiktok videos. As mentioned earlier, hashtags help the TikTok algorithm to decide the type of your video and push it further to the right kind of audience. 

If you want a greater sphere of an audience, you can use more generic hashtags. For instance, if your brand is about foods, you can use hashtags like “food,” “beverages,” etc., to target a greater audience base. So, do detailed research on hashtags before using them strategically to get more tik tok likes and engagement. 

It is also a good idea to participate in hashtag challenges sometimes. Or, you can start your own hashtag challenge trend, which brings a lot more attraction and engagement. Take the hashtags seriously if you want your brand to get famous on Tiktok. 

  1. Collab with Influencers

Influencers are the new future of marketing. These people are the main face of such social media sites. Some of them have millions of followers, while others at least have thousands. Collaborating your brand with these influencers can give you a new way of marketing. Thanks to their real-life mingling, more people can connect with them. It builds the trust factor. 

So, you can get an influencer related to your niche to promote your brand. You can provide sponsorship for their videos or ask them to collaborate with you. If you see common products like beauty, fashion, sports, gaming, you can easily find an influencer on TikTok. 


Tiktok is getting rapid popularity worldwide. Even though Instagram now has reels, TikTok is a hard-to-beat game in the market. Thanks to its unique algorithm, doing marketing is easy on TikTok. Moreover, the platform also provides you with a large audience base, opening up endless opportunities before you. 

So, ranking your brand on the top using TikTok is no big deal if you know the right way. This ultimate guide to TikTok marketing is your one-stop solution for many of your problems. With that, we end this discussion here and hope to meet on whatever topic you pick next. 

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