How To Be a Youtuber

Even just five years ago most people never thought it was going to be possible to make YouTube a full-time career.
Today, however, there are millions of people around the world creating content and sharing it with hundreds of millions – billions, really – around the world and making full-time incomes (and sometimes a whole lot more than that) as a YouTube superstar.
Kids (and plenty of adults, for that matter) today are growing up with this dream in mind, wanting nothing more than to be a famous and successful YouTuber just like their favorite host.
If you’re thinking about diving headfirst into the world of YouTube right now you’ll need to make sure you’re as prepared as possible, and that’s why we’ve put together this quick guide.
Let’s dig right in!

Choose Your Focus

It is absolutely IMPOSSIBLE to have any success on YouTube whatsoever without laser focusing your new channel on some niche, some market, and some little tiny corner of the online universe that you can really make your own.

A lot of people underestimate exactly how hard it is to be successful on YouTube. This isn’t for the faint of heart. You’re going to need to throw everything you have into creating your new YouTube channel – especially in the early stages – and then you’re going to have to work even harder to enjoy superstar style success.

Find something you are good at, something you are passionate about, and something that has already been able to capture the attention of a decent amount of YouTube viewers and you’ll be much closer to success than if you just sort of jumped into the deep end with no real focus at all.

Build Your Persona

The worst advice you could ever get when it comes time to create a YouTube channel is to just “be yourself” in front of the camera.

Ignore literally ANYONE that tries to sell you on that approach.

Yes, you are going to want to be as authentic as possible, as warm and as charming as you can be, and it certainly helps if you are funny and entertaining – but you don’t want to be yourself so much as you want to be the best version of yourself.

YouTube is a place people go to be entertained and there aren’t too terribly many people out there that will be entertained for the long haul by someone that is low-energy, someone that is upset or emotional, or someone that isn’t really “bringing it” with each new upload.

Create a persona that you can sort of inhabit that is close to your real self, but the ultimate picture-perfect version, and you’ll be doing the same thing that top YouTubers (including your favorites) around the world are right now.

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Find Your Perfect Audience

Developing a YouTube audience is also pretty hard work, though you can certainly streamline and simplify things quite a bit by making the decision to invest in cheap YouTube subscribers and cheap YouTube likes right out of the gate – though that’s something we are going to touch on a little bit more in just a second.

The fastest way to find your perfect audience is to identify YouTube creators that are already talking to the kind of people you want to engage with, that you want to follow you, and that have the kind of channel you want to have for yourself.

This reverse engineering sort of approach is a real game changer when you’re talking about shortcutting your road to success as a YouTube content creator.

Way too many newbies to the world of YouTube are looking to kind of reinvent the wheel from scratch every single time they start something new. But why waste all that time, all that energy, and all that effort when you could identify what’s already working well and just add your own little spin and flavor to the mix – piggybacking off of their success and creating some of it for your own much faster.

As long as you understand exactly who your ideal audience is – as much as possible – and create content for them you’ll never have to worry about gaming the system to make your content go viral.

Sure, it’ll definitely still help if you choose to buy YouTube watch time and cheap YouTube subscribers or cheap YouTube likes in the early stages, but after you have identified your perfect audience and have catered your channel to them those kinds of strategies are like pouring rocket fuel onto a bonfire!

Create a Content Calendar

A content creation calendar is 100% a must have if you want to have success in the long haul on YouTube.

Every single successful YouTube creator releases content on his regular and as frequent a basis as possible. Not only because it’s the best way to guarantee that your audience is going to become familiar with you and comfortable with you, but also because it allows them to kind of “program” when they need to check your channel for new uploads so that they can keep tuning in.

Think about it like your favorite TV show.

If it was on Monday one week, Thursday the next, Saturday the week after that, and then skipped a week or two before returning on a Friday you have absolutely no idea what was going on and very likely would be as attached as if it was on Monday at 5 PM every single week, like clockwork.

Keeping a regular content upload schedule is also a good idea for another reason. The underlying YouTube algorithm responsible for promoting your content and helping you get new subscribers on a consistent basis.

The general consensus from the YouTube community is that daily video uploads are critical for early success as well as for sustained longevity. Shoot for 10 minute long videos (they give you an extra advertising break, which means a little bit more monetization in your back pocket – but that’s slightly advanced for what we’re digging into here) on a daily basis and you’ll be good to go!

Jumpstart Your Success

The last thing you want to do is start your YouTube channel off with a bang and then start to fizzle out almost immediately – even though this happens far more frequently than not to new YouTube creators.

A lot of new creators are going to throw up a new video just as soon as they produce one, but a much better idea is to produce at least a week’s worth of content ahead of time before you launch your channel – with plenty of “timeless” content that can be uploaded whenever even if you’re covering more topical things – so that you always have content in the pipeline ready to rock and roll whenever needed.

It’s also not a bad idea to push your videos out to a channel that already has some subscribers.

Use social media to get the word out, take advantage of email marketing to let people know that you are creating a new channel, and make sure that you do your level best to build as much buzz as you can.

It’s probably not the worst idea to buy cheap YouTube likes, cheap YouTube subscribers, and to even buy YouTube watch time (at least a little bit) to “grease the wheels” of your early success on this platform.

Engage, Engage, Engage!

At the end of the day, you need to be listening to your audience as much as possible – your real audience and not the trolls that love to live in YouTube comment areas – to fine-tune your content as you go along.

The coolest thing about YouTube is that you are in complete and total control of the experience from top to bottom. You have a lot more flexibility to adjust on the fly to what your audience is most interested in, creating content that they can get excited about, and engaging with them every step of the way.

Focus on the inside insights we shared above and you’ll be on your way to YouTube superstardom a lot faster than other newbies just getting going!

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